IF you are downloading, listening or otherwise viewing or in any way utilizing SONOFAGUN.ME audio & video material you have agreed to this document “The Download & Usage Agreement” terms as follows:

Note that “A Single” generated or performed piece created by SON OF A G.U.N. MEDIA may be downloaded and obtained by a unregistered or registered “SONOFAGUN.ME Member” (a.k.a. web site “user”) and considered herein as “The Artwork” (being the content you are about to or have already obtained or downloaded) and refers to all contents of the zip file that may include Digital MP3 Audio Files, Graphic Files, and/or Multimedia Video Files – collectively all will be referred to herein as “The Artwork” or “Artwork” or “Artworks” all inclusively.

1. You agree to utilize, listen and repetitively enjoy “The Artwork” yourself without copying, duplicating, sharing, selling or distributing it in any way, shape or form.   You agree that you will not burn or forge the “The Artwork” to any portable media such as USB drives, CD, DVD, Blu-Ray or any other device or format for sharing purposes other than the devices belonging to the original purchaser.  The content obtained from SONOFAGUN.ME is intended for Single User usage therefore your purchased copy is your privilege to enjoy over-and-over, as often as you like, where you like, but is not intended for people or entities that did not purchase the content themselves.  see “Terms and Conditions

2.  You agree it is strictly forbidden to upload, broadcast, advertise or self promote “The Artwork” produced by SON OF A G.U.N. MEDIA on any social media platform, web site, such as, but not limited to Facebook, YouTube or any other internet web site or page, or any other platform, device or media without the express consent and approval of two (2) SONOFGUN.ME artists.  Be it clear two (2) official SONOFAGUN.ME artists must agree to anything regarding “The Artwork” being seen or listened to outside of single purchase agreements.  Contact us if you want to collaborate on a project.

3.  You agree that “The Artwork” is the property of SON OF A G.U.N. MEDIA and meum et tuum its founding owner.   You may respectfully re-perform the audio aspect of “The Artwork” should you so wish to do so on TikTok with appropriate credit made to SONOFAGUN.ME.